Eagle zone
open house campaign
A sample design concept for the campaign.
First answer these three vital questions:
1. What are your goals?
What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to get more clients? Are you trying to get more email subscribers to follow up with other promotions? What’s your objective. Simplify this, this will be your focus for the entirety of this content’s lifetime.
• Increase membership
• Get the word out that this new robust program exists
• Attract families to Eagle Zone School Age Care Program
• Generate new leads, email contacts
2. What are your visitor’s goals?
To determine if this program is a good fit for their children and their family’s lifestyle. Will this program engage my child? Will he or she be bored? How many other kids are in the program? What are the teachers like? Are they qualified and trained? What security measures are in place? What will this cost?
3. Where can you focus your efforts to achieve both ends?
• Invite parents and their children to attend an Open House where they can see first hand what the program is all about
(See text below: Advertising Promotions - Print and Digital)
Suggested updates to website to make it more inviting
What I suggest here is to up date the website one notch to include a full width banner or slider series. Most people understand that you click on them to view more content.
Sample Activity Stickers
Set up a fun interactive game for children attending the event. The kids earn a sticker per activity station that the child participates in or attends. If he or she collects all activity stickers then they get to spin a wheel as they leave the open house to win a prize!
Open House Activities and Ideas:
• Arrange to have speakers on topics that interest parents of school age kids
• Meet the teachers (specific meet and greet locations)
• T-shirt give-aways
• Prepare welcome bags with program brochures and stickers or coupons in the bags
• Create a game where kids get stickers at each activity area, and if they collect all the stickers from each activity area they get to spin a prize wheel as they leave the event
• Set up activities for kids to participate in, relevant to the programs available
• Supply drinks and snacks
• Post welcoming team at the front doors to help direct people navigate the building and locations, hand out a map of room locations
• Hand out meet the staff bio cards
Advertising Promotions, Print and Digital:
Minimal Campaign Promotions:
• Facebook and Twitter Posts/Ads
• Email Blast
• Digital Flyers
• Printed Flyers (sent home with children in all grades applicable to program)
• Press Release Announces Open House Event in local papers
Extended, In-Depth Campaign Promotions:
• Large Format Posters (placed inside schools)
• Table Tents (if applicable)
• Community Posters (placed on community bulletin boards)
• Newspaper Ads
• Mass Mailing (postcards, buy mailing lists of new families in the area if budget allows)
• Surveys could be used with incentive for a tuition discount in order to gather testimonials from alumni (use them on website) and to gain feedback
• Gain Referrals: use incentives with alumni to refer new families to the program
• Next year consider an “Early Bird Sign Up Date”
• Video: Take video and create short promotional videos place on web and link to social media platforms
• Community and Business Events: Make banners and sign up for a local parade, sign up for a booth space at local business, community seminars / events
Note: On all promotions need to display, website address, contact information, dates, times, locations, deadlines, QR codes, Facebook and twitter handles
Alumni Ideas:
• Parent invitation cards which facilitates ease in inviting families they know that might be interested in the program with a possible incentive added for a number of referrals.
• Children can also give a sticker to a friend if that sticker says, You’re Invited to come visit Eagle Zone Care Program and a link to the website and more information.